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"Besides improving my health, doTERRA has opened my eyes and heart to helping others through the Healing Hands Foundation. I do this business to not only enhance a person's health, but I know that for every oil I sell, it is economically benefitting the farmers, growers and distillers in over 40 countries."

—Wes Hobson | Colorado, USA

Hey, I'm Meg Parker

I've been using essential oils for over 15 years and more seriously in the last 5 years.  I can't imagine my life without them. I have found that they have supported me through pain, emotions, sleep, and digestive issues.  I know they'll have an impact in your life and can't wait for you to try them!

My favorite oil lately, has been deep blue rub because I can recover from my sore muscles in half of the time I use to.  It's been great for my body to become a lot leaner and stronger in shorter time frame then planned.

"You wouldn't believe this, but my husband burned his hand pretty badly the other day, and I knew what to do with my oils.  We put lavender and peppermint on it then added a bandage with correct-X on it. Covered it for 2 days and when he took it off there were not marks of the burn.  And the pain was reduced within seconds of application.  Truly amazing results with a few drops."

—Linda F | New york, USA